A Few Thoughts

Just a few thoughts…

  • I really hope that even though Normand Gentle didn’t make it through, he gets some kind of gainful employment… perhaps as an ice cream salesman.  Or better – they should fire Ryan and hire Norman.  He’d be a breath of fresh air!
  • Adam Lambert, now that he’s in, will need to stop wearing girls jeans for me to stop hating on him.  Let’s take it one step at a time: first the girls jeans, then the black fingernail polish, then a mans hair cut.  That will do it for me.
  • I am very excited that Kris made it.  He earned it, based on last night.  I just hope that Matt Giraud get’s a second chance in the wildcard round.
  • Brooke White’s song was oh so incredibly boring!  Boring boring.  Really?  That was the best single she could come up with an entire year after American Idol?  I’ve written better songs for church road shows…
  • I’m having mixed feelings about Paula saying she was going to perhaps leave the show.  I certainly wouldn’t miss her, but would miss making fun of her.  I like Kara more, except how she keeps trying to sell people on the open market.
  • The American Idol ‘retrospective’ was shameless filler.  More of that and I’ll have to put in a call to my contacts at Fox.

For reals, though.  What will I do without Normand?  He was my only hope for this season…


We’ll miss you Normand!

Top 36 – Group 2

Is it just me or does it seem like AI is really struggling this year to get the live shows off the ground?  Something is off in the universe…

Aw well… here we go with the individual reviews…

Continue reading Top 36 – Group 2

Top 36 – Group 1

I need to start these live shows – the real part of American Idol – right by complaining up front: I don’t like the 12 cut to 3 format!  The cut is too deep too soon!  We can’t get to know any of these people or see them progress on a weekly basis.  It changes the voting entirely, and leaves to a much greater chance the ‘top 12’ that we might get to see.

Wow… Doogie Howser and Ted Danson are in the audience.  I’m star struck.


That being said, let’s take ’em one by one…

Continue reading Top 36 – Group 1

Your Top 36

Yup… they made it through:

  1. aNoop Dawg (yes!)
  2. Von (biggest mouth in the world)
  3. Alex (I missed him somewhere…)
  4. Adam Lambert
  5. Taylor (one of my favs!)
  6. Jasmine Murray (yes!!!!!!!)
  7. Arianna Afsar (i wish we could see her hollywood performances)
  8. Casey Carlson (who?)
  9. Megan (who?)
  10. Mishavonna (who?)
  11. Stevie Wright (weird… but OK)
  12. Joanna (how can you forget the words so much and make it?)
  13. Kendall
  14. Kristen
  15. Alexis
  16. Scott
  17. Lil Rounds  (mahhhh woooman!)
  18. Jessie
  19. Allison
  20. Danny (was there any doubt?)
  21. Ricky
  22. Matt
  23. Ju’not (not impressed)
  24. Jorge (NOOOOOOOO!)
  25. Brent (who?)
  26. Stephen Fowler (excited to hear more from him)
  27. Norman Gentle aka Nick Mitchell
  28. Jackie Tohn
  30. Nathanial (ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww!)
  31. Jeanine
  32. Kai Kalama
  33. Anne Marie
  34. Kris
  35. Michael Sarver (yup.. like this guy!)
  36. Matt (the big guys)

The #1 injustice of the evening was: Jamar!  Sad… it’s sad.

The #2 injustice… so many contestants we never got to see!  Ever!  Show more singing for the pat’s sake!

Hollywood Round 3

First of all, let’s say that the show-the-end-at-the-beginnging flashback format was just exhausting. How many times did I have to look at the judges saying they were done sorting the photos? Boring! And why did they put through SO MANY who clearly didn’t deserve to survive the day!?!  And Ryan talked way too much!  I guess he has to earn his paycheck some how.

Someone get Simon on the phone for me!  These things must be addressed!

That being said, this was the first time we got to see actual singing for a LONG time on this show. So I was able to pick out some of my favorites going into the next round.

Continue reading Hollywood Round 3

AI Sucks Right Now

We’re not there yet, folks.  We’re almost there… Just hold your breath for one more weekend.  Top 36 are being announced next week, and then we get to the actual singing and less of Ryan, Simon, large men dressed in bunny suits, and censors over people’s hands and mouths.

So… why do the AI blogs suck?  And why can’t I get inspired to blog about American Idol?  And why aren’t I staying up until 2am grabbing video and screen shots and being really creative and making awesome posts that you all will want to read?

My conclusion is: because AI sucks right now.  I’m interested in watching the auditions and Hollywood week, but I don’ t think they show anyone or anything really worth talking about, except the Judges and Ryan.

Here is a graph illustrating why my interest and enjoyment are affecting the blog quality:


Auditions – Week 3

This week, Simon and Friends went to Salt Lake City and Jacksonville – two of the most boring cities on the planet – so it’s not super suprising that things were slightly unremarkable this week.

First of all, we can’t get through this blog without mentioning David Osmond.  Yes, friends, he is a Mormon, and thus we can soon add him to the pantheon of Mormon idols born on this television program.

I predict David will go to top 12, but it’s anyone’s guess after that.  He’s a seasoned performer, so will do well if he can choose the right songs and somehow get America (the non-Mormons) to somehow endear him.

Continue reading Auditions – Week 3

Dust in the Wind? Or just Kansas?

Kansas City was surprising tonight.  And a bit shocking!


Kara busted out in a British accent, Paula made sense for once, and Randy was just phoning it in as usual.  But the most shocking part was that a lot of people went through for the wrong reasons tonight….Very weird.

Simon?  Where were you today to keep the quality control up?

Continue reading Dust in the Wind? Or just Kansas?