All I can say is, how did all these girls make it through to this round?!?! There are two girls still up there who do not belong at this stage of the competition. If a boy goes tonight, I will be truly shocked.
Into the breach…
All I can say is, how did all these girls make it through to this round?!?! There are two girls still up there who do not belong at this stage of the competition. If a boy goes tonight, I will be truly shocked.
Into the breach…
The internet has exploded in recent years with a phenomenon called “Social Networking”. Sites like Facebook, Myspace, LinkedIn, YouTube, Blogspot, digg and a host of others have made it extremely cool for people sharing the personal, intimate details of their life online with minimum privacy.
Until recently, a peeping tom was someone who would skulk around in the shadows and peer into open windows. Today, we have a new breed of peeping toms (and tom-ettes), those who just poke into everyone else’s business via the ‘open window’ of their social network.
Continue reading Being Alive: Voyeurism, Social Networking, and Losing Your Soul to the Internet
This is part one in a series called Being Alive, exploring the issue of our fragmented society and finding ways to become more engaged with the world around us.
This weekend I spent some time exploring College Station, TX – home of the Texas A&M Aggies. I always knew this place was legendary for it’s traditions and awesome sporting events, but I never fully understood the full might and power until this weekend.
First, Yell Practice. Continue reading Being Alive: Lessons I Learned in College Station
I am finally going to share one of my most personal and closely kept secrets ever. One of my truly wildest dreams.
Tell me one thing… Why do we count everything? Continue reading Count on It
Last year I made no bones about the fact that I thought Idol Gives Back was the most ill-conceived farce to hit the small screen in recent memory. This year they have been even less specific about what Idol Gives Back is going to be.
I suppose since they considered last year such a “success” they figure they don’t need to even announce what the unspecific, fake cause is this year. They are just going to let everyone bleed out money they can’t afford for absolutely no reason. Should I be concerned again? Yes.
Will I still be watching? *sigh* … Of course.
Tonight was a slightly disappointing night given the complete liberty the contestants had. Perhaps this actually shows that either 1) they really don’t know who they are as artists yet (even though they are infinitely more talented than last year’s group), or 2) they are just total idiots.
Let’s dig in.
My Dear Lady and Gentleman Readers,
I am currently experiencing an unprecedented level of writer’s block.
NASA is again working on preparing for manned exploration missions back to the Moon and to Mars.
They are spending billions on creating rockets, space vehicles, space suits, and more.
But why? Why go to the Moon? Why go to Mars? Here are their arguments: Continue reading Space: Is It A Big Waste of Money?