Why would WhiteEyebrows be posting about Halloween in August?
Halloween is the single holiday of the year that I least enjoy. After years as a “theater person” I concluded that Halloween was just an excuse for non-theater people to do what theater people do the other 364 days of the year – dress up, put on makeup, and scare the bejesus out of the world.
However, last weekend while we were hosting family, there were a few suggestions thrown out there for the Father/Son WhiteEyebrows/JR team to be this year for halloween. You may register your votes/opinions:

Thank you to Carlton* for the suggestion of Dr. Evil and Mini Me. We would even have our own soundrack… “Just the Two of Us”
Also – thank you to Mr Braun (who inspired this post) by commenting on my previous post and suggesting a costume that was ALSO suggested by family at this party:

Yes, Eli has a nice, round, Anderson head. Though it’s normal size, according to the Doctor’s measurements, he really only needs a yellow shirt with the squiggle and we’re set. The question is; what I would I go as? Snoopy or Linus?