Life is now completely different — again. We’ve just returned from the hospital, having our second baby, Noah, and we’re just getting settled in. No matter how much preparation you make, it always seems like these things never quite become totally real until they do – and now it has.

The good news is that, up until now, #2 has been way easier than #1 was. Labor was short and comparatively easy. Audrey has had an incredibly speedy recovery, and Noah passes every test with flying colors.
We have had excellent support from Ben and Emma, so Eli was totally covered for the couple of days we were in the hospital, and now that we’re home and sitting here staring at each other (ok – actually everyone is asleep but me right now) it is all becoming real to me.
Being a mom is really hard work, and Audrey makes it look so easy. She is never over-worried, always takes care of the things she needs to, and runs pretty well on low amounts of sleep. She’s incredible, and I do my best to play whatever role she needs at the time. (mostly as a specially trained assistance dog, willing to fetch anything at a moments notice)
Being a Dad is awesome. I love my boys like crazy, and there’s nothing quite like sitting in the hospital room, cuddled up with one, feeling like a small piece of heaven came down to be with you – especially when they are newborns. They are so tender, and fragile, and dependent.
Eli is doing good, so far. He had a great visit to the hospital, but we can start to see the first inklings of big brother jealousy – starting with the baby getting to use the boppy pillow. We’ll see how this plays out over the next few days and weeks. Hopefully we can find way to help him feel special during this time as well. We’ve had lots of good advice in this area.
I guess that’s about it for this post. I’ve got nothing else fancy or poetic today, except that: family is awesome. Birth is a miracle. Life is wonderful, and full, and rich, and our relationships are what it’s all about. I’m feeling pretty happy and blessed right now, and that’s about all I can string together by way of coherent thoughts.