Becoming One of Them

Last Saturday my fiance and I attended a church meeting.  Afterwards, we were starving, so we went where any decent Mormon would go after a Saturday church meeting – Braums.

While at Braums, one other person came over to us and introduced themselves, asking what congreagation we were from.  We said we were from the Dallas 11th Ward, but would be moving to the Wylie 2nd Ward soon.  They were estatic… and asked us to join them – two couples who had gone together to the same meeting.

They apologized for ignoring us, but I said – “no it’s OK – we are used to being in our own little world.”

Continue reading Becoming One of Them

Mormons Made Simple

Thanks to Axe for the tip on this website, Mormons Made Simple.

Generally, people rarely take the time to clearly explain the main tenants of the LDS/Mormon faith, and as a result most of the general public know very little about our core beliefs.

Although I think  the illustrations in these movies are super-corny, they do get at the core facts of my religion, without editorial and without overwrought musical underscoring either.

As I’ve repeatedly stated, I find my religion just as unbelievable as any other religion on the earth. I don’t insist that anyone believe what I believe, I only insist that they become factually educated so that when we discuss religion, we can do so in an educated, respectful manner, rather than working from a slanted, incomplete view of my faith.

The Mommy Blogs

This is the post I was referring to the other day.  Please note, before you read, that THIS IS NOT A POST TO BASH ON MOMMY BLOGS.  This is simply a post making a few observations about blogging in general.  Please don’t read anything between the lines.  I enjoy looking at pictures of your kids just as much as you enjoy posting them.

That being said, here we go…

Continue reading The Mommy Blogs