A Few Thoughts

Just a few thoughts…

  • I really hope that even though Normand Gentle didn’t make it through, he gets some kind of gainful employment… perhaps as an ice cream salesman.  Or better – they should fire Ryan and hire Norman.  He’d be a breath of fresh air!
  • Adam Lambert, now that he’s in, will need to stop wearing girls jeans for me to stop hating on him.  Let’s take it one step at a time: first the girls jeans, then the black fingernail polish, then a mans hair cut.  That will do it for me.
  • I am very excited that Kris made it.  He earned it, based on last night.  I just hope that Matt Giraud get’s a second chance in the wildcard round.
  • Brooke White’s song was oh so incredibly boring!  Boring boring.  Really?  That was the best single she could come up with an entire year after American Idol?  I’ve written better songs for church road shows…
  • I’m having mixed feelings about Paula saying she was going to perhaps leave the show.  I certainly wouldn’t miss her, but would miss making fun of her.  I like Kara more, except how she keeps trying to sell people on the open market.
  • The American Idol ‘retrospective’ was shameless filler.  More of that and I’ll have to put in a call to my contacts at Fox.

For reals, though.  What will I do without Normand?  He was my only hope for this season…


We’ll miss you Normand!

Top 36 – Group 2

Is it just me or does it seem like AI is really struggling this year to get the live shows off the ground?  Something is off in the universe…

Aw well… here we go with the individual reviews…

Continue reading Top 36 – Group 2

Is Obama Still Running for Something?

What do the following cities have in common?

  1. Ottawa, Canada
  2. Phoenix, Arizona
  3. Aurora, Colorado
  4. Denver, Colorado
  5. Peoria, Illinois
  6. Springfield, Illinois
  7. Springfield, Virginia
  8. Ft. Myers, Florida
  9. Elkhart, Indiana
  10. South Bend, Indiana
  11. Williamsburg, Virginia

These are the cities that President Obama has visited in this first month of his Presidency.  While travel has been cut off almost entirely by most corporations, apparently the recession has had no effect on the ability of Air Force One to operate.


Continue reading Is Obama Still Running for Something?

Am I a Know-It-All?

brain-763982-1No one likes a know-it-all.

I learned this early in my life through both secular school and Sunday School.  I was the nerdy kid who knew most of the answers.  I was self-assured, well-taught, and extroverted enough to never have much of a problem raising my hand and answering the question.

Then I became a teenager, and wondered what happened to my peers.  Suddenly, they totally lost a pulse, and getting them to comment in school, answer a question, or even have an opinion was like pulling teeth sometimes.  I never really suffered from this teenage phenomenon.  Sure, I was concerned with being cool and fitting in….

… well, actually I wasn’t.  I was more concerned about being right.

Continue reading Am I a Know-It-All?

Oscar is Dead to Me

oscar_statue-awardFor the last couple of years, I’ve been disappointed at the dearth of well written, well executed, creative films out there.  I’m even more disappointed that the truly great films have invariably come from the independent film and film festival movement.  No studios are willing to take a chance on a film that isn’t an instant product.

Continue reading Oscar is Dead to Me

“Kittens!” Ringtones

I am obsessed with the “Kittens!” clip.  I just keep watching it over and over and over again!

This obsession has prompted me to change the ring tone on my phone.  It was time, anyways.  My old ring tone was “Never Gonna Get It”, which is not quite true anymore.

My ring tone is now:


If you’d like to download it for use on your phone, click here to download the mp3 file.

If you have a favorite audio clip of that video, let me know and I’ll produce a ringtone of it for you.