Growing up in southern Oklahoma, I always saw people wearing clothing from a restaurant called “Eskimo Joe’s.” It is a very memorable logo; an eskimo with a huge toothy grin on his face along with his dog. I didn’t know much about Eskimo Joe’s except that it was a restaurant and that everyone seemed to have a shirt from there.
Author: Sam Anderson
Merry Christmas
Sorry I’m a day late with this post, but I promised someone who had never heard me sing that I would post a song for this Christmas.
Please note, this is not my best work… it was recorded live at a church christmas party… but it’s all right, I suppose.
(press the grey play button)
[audio:](props to the Old Man Band: Brad, Dennis, and FavUnc)
Big News
So, it’s no secret that I try to keep my personal life out of the blog as much as possible. As I’ve said before, I prefer to make this blog about things (as I see them), rather than about myself and all my awesomeness.
There are certain events in a man’s life that completely change everything – that deserve to be blogged about – and this is one of them…
Holiday Gift Idea #12
What?!?!?! You’re not done with your Christmas shopping yet?
Shame on you!
Right now it’s to the point where you have to pull the pin and run… so just get them…
The Channelization of the Internet
Earlier this year, I wrote about voyeurism and losing our souls to the internet. The premise of the post was that the representations that we make of ourselves online can eventually replace other people’s actual/real perceptions of us – and that it can destroy your soul, basically.
I’d like to continue this conversation by pointing out that the internet has been going through a dramatic change. In the technology industry we call it “Web 2.0”, but no one really knows what that actually means… so let me try to explain what this is and what I see it doing to our society.
The Miracle of Christmas Poo
Ok, Stallion is going to have to forgive me, but I couldn’t help but post this hilarious video of his new hit song:
(P.S. This is what happens to me on Friday afternoon when everyone logs out and leaves work early, and I’m stuck here.)
The Miracle of Christmas Poo
[flashvideo filename=/video/miracle-of-christmas-poo.mp4 /]
Holiday Gift Idea #11
Well, I realize that I haven’t been giving you great suggestions this year. I’ve been trying too hard to be funny. So here is a decent suggestion that might actually help you…
I’ve Never
This one is kind of stupid, but I keep seeing it pop up on people’s blogs, so it must be popular. (Please note, popular doesn’t mean good.)
From this list, it looks like what I need most desperately in my life is a trip to Europe!
I’ve Never…
Holiday Gift Idea #10
One of the best gifts you can give at Christmastime is…