Holiday Gift Idea #3 is for both the young and the old, and especially the young at heart…
Author: Sam Anderson
Holiday Gift Idea #2
Today’s gift idea is something that every man will need over the course of his life, whether he wants it or not:
WhiteEyebrows vs. The Four Way Stop
I have a HUGE pet peeve that I really need to get off my chest here…
I hate it when people dont’ know how to do a 4 way stop! Hate, hate, hate, hate!
Here is how you do a four way stop. Listen well.
Holiday Gift Idea #1
Continuing last year’s successful series on Holiday Gift ideas, I will be posting several gift ideas in the next few days that are sure to be this year’s hottest items. (we believe in trend setting here on the blog, not trend following!)
So here it goes, Holiday Gift Idea #1 for 2008 is….
Making Ronald Look Good
The other day, I pulled up to the drive through at McDonalds and saw that they had some new fancy photography on their menu:
WhiteEyebrows vs. The HOV Lane
I love Texas. I moved here 3 years ago thinking that it would just be a temporary stop on my way to bigger and better things, but soon realized that this was the bigger and better thing I was looking for!
Case in point: they recently installed a new HOV lane on one of our major highways, Highway 75. This HOV goes for about 15-20 miles without an entrance or exit, being separated from the other lanes by plastic pole barriers spaced too closely to allow for cheating. When you’re in it, you’re in it!
Keep Your Right-Wing Nuttery To Yourself
Last week in Sunday School, I had another one of those shake-your-head-and-sigh-out-loud moments.
We were discussing… uhh.. God… and related subject matter (in other words I have no clue what the context of the discussion was) when this lady – out of the blue – raises her hand and reminds us that the ‘real battle’ is having accurate information as to what is really going on in the world, and that the wickedly-liberal-Satanically-run-news-media is always just trying to lead the world into a moral black hole. Then, in the same breath, she admonished us to rely on her favorite conservative ‘news website’. (Turns out, the website is just a political action website, using cherry-picked propaganda from past church leaders. So instead of even talking about current events, she was really just pushing her political agenda at church…. UGGGGG…)
I’m having a really hard time getting back into blogging after such a long and awesome holiday. I’ve actually written two or three things, but they just don’t seem quite right to post yet.
…So in the meantime, please enjoy this clip.
Hitler Weighs in on the BYU Loss
For those readers who aren’t Utahns (50% of you), you should know that the BYU/Utah rivalry game is a pretty big deal… and this year’s was supposed to be ultra-tight.
…And my team lost. Here’s Hitler’s reaction, which pretty much sums up my feelings: