Nancy Pelosi is a Communist

Obama Chooses Biden

Joe Biden was the right choice for Obama.  I liked him in the Democrat’s primary race.  He lends experience and gravitas to the Obama ticket, while not overshadowing the top of the ticket (like Hillary would have done).  Now that this is done and the hand wringing is over, it is clearly the right decision.

The question still remains, though: Can two waste-of-skin Democrat senators actually succeed at the top two executive positions of the biggest enterprise in the world?  I’m still not convinced.

Continue reading Nancy Pelosi is a Communist

The Olympics Needs Some Comic Relief

Have you been sucked in by the Olympics?  Can’t seem to turn the TV off, even when it’s 2am and your eyes are slamming shut?  Does all the intense drama, excitement, blood, sweat, and tears have you on the edge of your seat?

I just hope you didn’t miss this stunning performance…

[flashvideo filename=/video/funny-turner.flv /]

Really… it’s no fair that the women have different events than the men.  Plus, they get to wear cute little hair accessories.  I say, “Equal Gymnastics Rights for Men!”

(Thanks, Erika for sharing the hilarious video)

Lists that Rule My Life

There are two major lists that have ruled my life…

The first were “to do” lists.  My mom used to leave these on the counter every day during the summer to encourage us to do something around the house while she was gone to work.  I never understood why she did this until I had a house of my own.  Turns out, it’s really hard to keep a house clean, and even though she would leave the kitchen or family room in decent condition when she left in the morning, it must have been super-disheartening to return to it each night in a complete disarray.

Continue reading Lists that Rule My Life

Celebrating Singleness: Putting the Pieces Together

One of my favorite activities at our perennial family get togethers is to do a puzzle.  Over the years we’ve done a lot of different puzzles in different styles.  We’ve done oddly shaped puzzles, we’ve done massive puzzles, and we’ve done intricate puzzles.

The truth is, though, I am really bad at puzzles.  I usually will sit down for 5-10 minutes, try to put in a few pieces, then get bored or frustrated and move on to another activity.  If you want to know who the true puzzle queen is in our family, it’s my mom.  (Tio and Aunt Sherrie do a good job too, but Mom is the ultimate puzzle focuser.)

I’ve found the trick to participating in the puzzle, though.  I join early and strategically claim the part of the puzzle with the most detail, which will be easiest to put toegether.  Things like rooflines, people, even lattice work or anything geometrical will do.  What you don’t want to do is come to the puzzle late when there is only one or two things left… the sky or the water.

Continue reading Celebrating Singleness: Putting the Pieces Together

When Buying Meat…

On my recent vacation, I took the opportunity to visit my brother at his place of employment: the full service meat counter of a grocery store chain.  They take great pride in their meats, and boy did he have some interesting stories and perspectives that I felt that we all should know for our own enlightenment and understanding, so we can become more courteous shoppers:

Continue reading When Buying Meat…

WhiteEyebrows vs. The Lightbulb

You know something is wrong when you’re Googling: “how to change a lightbulb”…

Yes, my friends, last night I arrived home to find that I had, indeed, left my exterior lights on all night and all day long – and I noticed that one of them was finally burned out (2.5 years is pretty good for an exterior incandessant bulb, no?)

So time to replace the bulb, right? Continue reading WhiteEyebrows vs. The Lightbulb

Someone Go Get Bob out of Mothballs

So, I finally caved in and started watching a few Olympic competitions.  NBC is, of course, still the HNIC of broadcasting anything Olympic.  In fact, when I was younger, I remember NBC’s peacock logo beign synonymous with the Olympic rings, and substituted the John Williams Olympic theme for the NBC sound (you know, the three xylophone/bells/marimba tones…)

But for all of the Olympic staples (the music, the rings, the McDonalds sponsorships), nothing surpasses the ubiquity of Bob Costas.

Continue reading Someone Go Get Bob out of Mothballs

Google AdWords Sucks!

Frequenters of the WhiteEyebrows Blog may have noticed that, a few weeks ago, some nifty Google Ads started to creep up on my site.  This was not a result of Google’s merciless monopolization and commoditization of each and every corner of the inter-web, as you might be thinking…. This is an example of my own merciless commoditization of every corner of my life…

How else am I going to retire by the time I’m 40?  It actually all goes back to the Snow Cone Stand, really… but that’s another blog.  I hope YFC will one day write a guest blog about it… Continue reading Google AdWords Sucks!

How Dramatic

Depending on which chapter of my life you came to know me in, you may or may not know that I was pretty involved in the theatre.  Deeply.  Heavily.  Sickeningly.  I graduated in it, for the pity’s sake.

Since 2005, however, I have been only cursorily involved in a few things. Lately though, I’ve seen a lot of shows… more in the past two months than in the past year, I think…

Continue reading How Dramatic