And Thus We Were Manipulated

And Thus We Were Manipulated
Why Mormon Pop Music and CES Videos Bug Me

A while ago, on my way home from church, I was listening to a mix CD of Sunday music. When the song “His Hands” came on, I quickly pressed the next button, but unfortunately it was too late… the other person in my car had identified the tune. “I LOVE that song… why did you change it?” they said. So I was forced to go back and let them listen to it.

It took the rest of the trip home to try and explain the following:

Growing up, I listened to a lot of Mormon pop music. A lot. It mostly grew out of the fact that I often sang in church, so I tended to listen for new material, and to be part of that universe. I was practically an authority on all things Perry or Cope.

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If You Got It, Please Refrain from Flaunting It

There’s an old saying:

If you got it, flaunt it.

Well, friends, countrymen (and especially countrywomen in this case), in today’s blog I am going to make a case why if you got it, please refrain from flaunting it.

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The Tragic Combination of “Stupid” and “Loudmouth”

Well, the title says it all for this one… Today I’ll be extolling the awkwardness that ensues when you run across those ‘special’ individuals who are tragically smitten with this deadly combination of personality traits.  Yes friends, I’m talking about when, in a single individual, those two mighty forces of “I say stupid things” and “I can’t manage to keep my mouth shut” join forces to create the most awkward social situations. I call this affliction “StupidMouth”.

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The Whose-Gow, Nevada Torture, and Whisker Pie

As most boys do, we enjoyed a little rough-housing with my dad when we were little.  The rough housing endgame was usually one of three torture mechanisms:

  1. The Whose-Gow, where your head gets clamped in between Dad’s legs.
  2. The Nevada Torture, where Dad pins your arms down with his knees while poking his finger into your chest.
  3. Whisker Pie, where Dad rubbed the stubble from his face all over you like sand paper.

We knew that if Dad could get us into one of these positions, the fight was over and we would have to yield, so our main goal was to stay out of the Whose-Gow, Nevada Torture, or Whisker Pie.

Well, I feel like the universe currently has me in all three of these at the same time…  And what am I referring to?

Gas Prices!

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SYTYCD – Top 18

Sorry for no post last week on the top 20, but I think they got the kick off right on! I will certainly not miss the two they kicked off.

As for last night? I just have one letter to send to Mary…

Dear Mary Murphy,

Where exactly is the “Tra la la place in [your] heart?”

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