Top 6 Reviewed

Let’s start with two important points:

1. Of all our contestants, who do you think would be the one to mix it up this week? Who is going for the freaky arrangement? Not David Cook… Yes… David Archuleta! Surprise!

B. For years now, I have been trying to put into words exactly how I feel about Paula’s clapping… and now Tamara has done it for me…

Paula claps like a child that just discovered her hands.


Now to the reviews…

Continue reading Top 6 Reviewed

Barack will be the nominee

Yesterday on NBC’s Meet the Press, David Axelrod, Obama’s chief political strategist, went head to head with Geoff Garin, Clinton’s newly appointed chief political strategist.

It was a bloodbath.

At one point, I wondered if Tim Russert was going to interject at any moment and say, “Uhh.. I’m the one who’ll be asking the questions here.” The two went at each other like a couple of old hens, and Mr. Axelrod clearly won the fray.

One of the better moments occurred when each took an opportunity to point out the negative ads the other has been playing in battleground states. Both men accused the other of doing it, but neither person confessed to actually doing it. And yet there sit the ads, in plain sight of each other, Tim Russert, the country, and the eyes of God.

In what other profession of the world can blatant denials of simple facts and truth be so gloriously condoned?!?

Based on the performance yesterday and the current math, I am ready to predict that Obama will be the nominee of the Democrat party. Clinton’s campaign, typified by Mr. Garin’s performance, is relying solely on a super-delegate strategy and, in the meantime, is just franticly throwing anything and everything against the wall to try and see what sticks.

Who knew the wall was going to be coated with non-stick Obama-spray…

Being Alive: Voyeurism, Social Networking, and Losing Your Soul to the Internet

The internet has exploded in recent years with a phenomenon called “Social Networking”. Sites like Facebook, Myspace, LinkedIn, YouTube, Blogspot, digg and a host of others have made it extremely cool for people sharing the personal, intimate details of their life online with minimum privacy.

Until recently, a peeping tom was someone who would skulk around in the shadows and peer into open windows. Today, we have a new breed of peeping toms (and tom-ettes), those who just poke into everyone else’s business via the ‘open window’ of their social network.

Continue reading Being Alive: Voyeurism, Social Networking, and Losing Your Soul to the Internet

Being Alive: Lessons I Learned in College Station

This is part one in a series called Being Alive, exploring the issue of our fragmented society and finding ways to become more engaged with the world around us.


This weekend I spent some time exploring College Station, TX – home of the Texas A&M Aggies. I always knew this place was legendary for it’s traditions and awesome sporting events, but I never fully understood the full might and power until this weekend.

First, Yell Practice. Continue reading Being Alive: Lessons I Learned in College Station