Will Idol Actually Give Back This Year?

Last year I made no bones about the fact that I thought Idol Gives Back was the most ill-conceived farce to hit the small screen in recent memory. This year they have been even less specific about what Idol Gives Back is going to be.

I suppose since they considered last year such a “success” they figure they don’t need to even announce what the unspecific, fake cause is this year. They are just going to let everyone bleed out money they can’t afford for absolutely no reason. Should I be concerned again? Yes.

Will I still be watching? *sigh* … Of course.

Top 8 Reviewed

Tonight was a slightly disappointing night given the complete liberty the contestants had. Perhaps this actually shows that either 1) they really don’t know who they are as artists yet (even though they are infinitely more talented than last year’s group), or 2) they are just total idiots.

Let’s dig in.

Continue reading Top 8 Reviewed

Top 9 Reviewed

ss_060305_oscar_redcarpet_04widec.jpgWhat can you say about Dolly Parton?

I think Brooke White summed it up: Dolly Parton is this “tiny woman” who is just… … … “huge.”

And she is. Every once in a while I had to pause it just to make sure she wasn’t ‘resting’ on the piano. (she must have the world’s strongest back)

In today’s reviews, I have taken the creative liberty of offering some book deals to the contestants. We’ll see if I am contacted about any of them.

And now for the reviews:

Continue reading Top 9 Reviewed

Reasons I Might be Excited for AI Tonight

Here are just one or two reasons why I just might enjoy tonight’s episode of American Idol…

  1. Maybe Ramiele will do a game of peek-a-boo into the reflective lens of the camera
  2. Maybe Randy will tell us again how many times he worked with every single artist under the sun.
  3. Maybe Jason Castro will accidentally break off another dreadlock, collapse on stage and sob for its loss.
  4. Maybe I’ll start enjoying the shameless hard sell on Coke, Ford, and Apple.
  5. Maybe Michael Johns will do another Queen song (since that’s all he can do).
  6. Maybe it will be Lennon/McCartney/Beatles night AGAIN!
  7. Maybe Archuleta and Brooke will have an all out scripture chase on stage.
  8. Maybe… Um… Well… Actually… Paula will… can put together… there is this idea of… maybe a single… umm… cohesive sentence.
  9. Maybe I’ll get my Braun fix in.
  10. Maybe Simon will be wearing another revealing v-neck.

There’s just OH So much to look forward to…

Crazy Uncle Albie

gore.jpgI apologize in advance for another quick blog about America’s favorite crazy Uncle Albie.

Last night on 60 minutes, they devoted an entire segment to yet another story on how Uncle Albie is going to save us all from the “Global Climate Crisis.”

I swear I saw that same story like 3 months ago. Does he have some kind of appearance contract with CBS?

But whatever… causes are awesome. I think everyone should have at least one…

Here’s the part that absolutely floors me: Continue reading Crazy Uncle Albie