I Want to be an Alarmist When I Grow Up

alarmbell.jpgLast night I was listening to a radio report on my way home from work which detailed with tiring accuracy (thanks PBS+NPR) the current reality and possible future eventualities of polar ice melting.

It was a briliant piece of scientific speculation, if I’ve ever heard one. When the words “likely” and “probable” are used more that “does” and “is”, then you know you’ve got a live one.

But it got me thinking; there is no better position to be in than that of an alarmist.

Continue reading I Want to be an Alarmist When I Grow Up

The Fonz and The Theory of Modern Coolness

fonzie.jpgI was driving to work today and, while stopped at a stoplight, peered in my rearview mirror to see none other than THE Arthur Fonzerelli driving a car directly behind me. Yes, the actor’s real name is Henry Winckler, but I’m not sure if it was actually Henry Winckler back there. All I know is I looked back and saw The Fonz!

Which brings me to today’s subject, coolness.

Continue reading The Fonz and The Theory of Modern Coolness

Beard and Ponytail Convention

I’ve been spending the last 3 days as an exhibitor in a technical theater convention, and let me tell you — it has been a TREAT! The people watching alone was worth the insane price I paid for a table and two chairs in the very back corner of the convention hall.

It’s mostly because of the beards. It’s like the ‘beard’ convention… Continue reading Beard and Ponytail Convention

Pulling an All-Nighter

I feel like I’m back in college again.  Tonight, I pulled an all nighter.

I don’t think I’ve done this since in my senior year of college, I had to finish that last paper on the last day it was possibly due.

In fact, I think that’s how I wrote most of my papers – by pulling all-nighters.  It’s a wonder I passed any of my classes.

In my old theater occupation I used to work some pretty wacky hours, and staying up until 5am was no big deal at all.  The next day, I just slept in until 2pm.

What I notice from getting fatigued, is I often lose my place in the sequence of things I am doing.  I am doing a few work projects tonight that I have to get done before I go to Houston on Wednesday, and it unfortunately requires a lot of repetitive busywork in photoshop… duplicating layers, changing colors, etc.  Except I keep getting lost in that process.

I’m about to fall out of the chair… so it’s 5:38am and I’m giving in…

Celebrating Singleness: Two Contrasting Articles

_41074552_xbox_gamers_bbc203.jpgThis is article 3 in the series, “Celebrating Singleness”:

I was recently sent two articles: “Marry Him! (The case for settling for Mr. Good Enough)” and “Child Man in the Promised Land“. Both are extremely long treatises (which actually kind of stall about 1/3 of the way through, so don’t feel bad when you stop reading at that point), so if you’re not up for that much reading on a Monday (I understand), here is the summary:

Continue reading Celebrating Singleness: Two Contrasting Articles