Back to school is kicking my buns. I have been running like a banshee with my hair on fire. We have 3 soccer games a week, 2 soccer practices a week, 2 dance practices, maybe 3 if one daughter gets into the class she wants, 1 preschool, (twice a week), 2 elementary school with daily homework and spelling words, 2 piano lessons (and thus practicing every day), 1 activity days, 1 playgroup, maybe 2 if my friend talks me into her’s too, plus a new yard to fix up, a new house to still finish organizing, laundry and still at least 3 hours of scrubbing/cleaning a week. That just touches it. The point? I haven’t had any time to watch the political conventions at all.
I have been reading up on the conventions as much as I can here and there, but it really isn’t much. I know nothing really, but I do have to say, that when I do, and particularly when it comes to Bill and Hillary, I feel like I am back in high school.
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