I was perusing Facebook this morning, and these two status updates happened to be back-to-back.
The juxtaposition was rich! Boy, do I have a diverse set of friends and family!!!
“What were you thinking!” Is the oft-uttered phrase of adults talking to teenagers.
This story on NPR reveals research that shows: nope… teenagers actually aren’t thinking!
This anonymous quote was spoken today by someone I know:
Look, a man can only piss his life away for so long.
This is all.
I really love it when my friends and family (especially those who I haven’t heard from in years) call me up for technical support.
Look, if the only conversation we have happens once or twice a year for technical support, don’t bother calling. Instead, please refer to the following diagram which explains exactly how I solve your problems…
Yes… I am about to bestow upon you the secret formula to becoming a successful “computer person”…
When I was single, being a bachelor was all right. It was great. Life was good when I was a single bachelor.
When you’re married, though, and your wife leaves on a work trip… suddenly being a bachelor sucks a whole lot more than it ever did before!
Many of you wonder what the purpose of the series “Nature” is on PBS?
Is it to extol the many wonders and beauties of the natural world?
Is it to chronicle the lives of peculiar creatures?
Is it to provide insights into the world around us?
It is so I can fall asleep to it on Sunday evenings.
What kind of company takes
from the taxpayers, because their company is going to fail and cause financial armageddon if it does… and then gives its crooked leadership
in bonuses and ‘retention payments’ for causing the mess?
I don’t care if it’s how financial professionals are compensated. When I do crappy work, I dont’ get compensated… In fact, I’d be at home collecting unemployment if I did as bad a job as they have.
In fact, sometimes (currently) even when I do GREAT work, I don’t get my bonus… because of the greater economy.
To make matters worse, we’re told that although the government now has an
there is nothing our representatives can do to get that money back.
We should be (and I am) completely outraged.
Anyone else with me in filing a class action lawsuit on behalf of the American People against AIG, naming the federal treasury as an accomplice, over this highway robbery of our hard earned money?