Spice Rack

spice rackOne of our wedding presents was a spice rack, which I was very excited for.  I’m trying to get better and better in the kitchen, and having an array of tasty flavors at my fingertips seemed like a beautiful start to my experimental ability to make each meal savory and succulent.

Yes, we wanted a spice rack.  We registered for a spice rack. But I’m not sure I was fully prepared for the disappointment the spice rack would be in my life.

Continue reading Spice Rack

The Mommy Blogs

This is the post I was referring to the other day.  Please note, before you read, that THIS IS NOT A POST TO BASH ON MOMMY BLOGS.  This is simply a post making a few observations about blogging in general.  Please don’t read anything between the lines.  I enjoy looking at pictures of your kids just as much as you enjoy posting them.

That being said, here we go…

Continue reading The Mommy Blogs

“Kittens!” Ringtones

I am obsessed with the “Kittens!” clip.  I just keep watching it over and over and over again!

This obsession has prompted me to change the ring tone on my phone.  It was time, anyways.  My old ring tone was “Never Gonna Get It”, which is not quite true anymore.

My ring tone is now:


If you’d like to download it for use on your phone, click here to download the mp3 file.

If you have a favorite audio clip of that video, let me know and I’ll produce a ringtone of it for you.