Here goes 2010! Are you ready for this?
2009 will be a hard year to beat, but we seem to be off on the right foot. I mean, nothing bad has happened and we’re only 3 days into the year, right?
Each year, I (and now my wife and I) compile a list of “Stuff I Want To Do in 20xx.” Rather than making a few “resolutions” (read: goals made with the express purpose of forgetting them by February), we make a laundry list of everything we wanted to see happen in the coming year.
So far we haven’t done our “Stuff I Want To Do In 2010” list, so I can’t really get into our goals for this year. I can, however, review some of the goals from last year. (Granted, this is a detailed two page list, so I’ll just hit on a few high points)
- Go somewhere really cool. I think we did this on our honeymoon, Costa Rica was absolutely amazing!!! We can’t wait to go back someday, but are also looking forward to a really interesting vacation this year. Not sure where yet, but we’re already auditioning ideas. This is one we are definitely moving forward as a yearly goal. There is just so much of the country and world to see! We might not get to stay in a Marriott every time (Audrey loves staying in hostels… go figure… I’m the Marriott guy in the relationship), but going out and experiencing the world is what we want to do.
- Go to the gym. This one was an epic failure. We did go while we were engaged, but when June rolled around, my desire for an iPhone trumped my desire to go to the gym. I can justify $70/mo on a phone I use every day, but I can’t justify $110/mo on a gym membership I use less than once a month.
- Pray every night and morning together. We are doing pretty good here. Sometimes I’m not totally awake when Audrey prays in the morning, and sometimes she’s not totally awake when I pray at night, but we do it — and the couple who prays together stays together!
- Learn to play a song on the guitar. Fail. Mrs Brows gave me a guitar last Christmas, but I have picked it up a total of 3 times this whole year. In fact, visitors and children have played my guitar more than I have. Granted, I have improved my piano skills this year, but the guitar has been an epic failure.
Well, there are a lot of other things we accomplished this year, and I’m feeling good about our “Stuff” list. I think we were about 80% on the list.
$110 a month for a gym membership! that sounds pretty outrageous.
It was a REALLY nice gym…
Mrs Brows? I had to think about that one