Very Interesting Weekend for Mitt

It was a very interesting press weekend for Mitt.  First, the NY Times wrote a very interesting (and in my opinion, fair) article on Mitt’s various responsibilities in the LDS Church over the last few decades.  Non-Mormons (and the electorate at large) has no idea that while also building and running a super-successful business, Mitt was also spending whatever “free” time he had overseeing and running multiple congregations of LDS adherents.

As I suspected, the stories in this article represent both sides – both the joy and the difficulty –  of working as an ecclesiastical leader.  The young man’s story of wise counsel setting his life on a better path is just one of thousands that likely occured during Mitt’s tenure as Bishop and Stake President.  Those are the easy ones to talk about.  One the other hand, I would advise the world to reserve judgement about Mitt’s counsel to families making difficult decisions.  Sometimes an ecclesiastical leader will feel moved to counsel two different people about the same issue two different ways.  Though Bishops are instructed not to specifically counsel couples for or against divorce as a resolution to their marital difficulties, I’ve known instances where the leader was relieved by a divorce and instances where they were saddened by a divorce.  Context makes a world of difference, and no newspaper article could ever provide the full context for any such exchange between priest and congregant.

Also, my friend McKay Coppins posted an interesting (but unsurprising) article about leaked emails from the Perry campaign’s religious advisors have reacted and plotted in regards to Mitt’s religion, and their hopes of sinking his candidacy through its marginalization.

It appears that the inseparable siamese twins, religion and politics, are just heating up for the GOP primary.

Do you think it gets worse before it gets better?

Any of my non-LDS readers have a problem with Mitt’s religion or past as a lay leader of the religion?

Growing Up

Our little WEJr is growing up too fast.

This week his new trick is to knee crawl and push himself into a standing position (under the right conditions).  He hasn’t yet learned to pull himself up by things – we can wait longer for that one as far as I’m concerned.  His head has already taken a beating in the last few weeks as he’s learned the harsh reality of losing his balance around the house.



Ode to My Wife’s Bath Towel

I hereby break the silence of this blog with an special poem.

Ode to My Wife’s Bath Towel

Oh fair bath towel,

thou art red in color and plush to the touch.

How oft has thine owner scorned thee;

calling thee dirty when thou wast not,

calling thee smelly when thou was not,

and washing thee when there was no cause.

Thine vibrant red fibers are now

but a distant memory of Target shelves long past,

for they hath faded and dimmed in the heat of the

scorching hot water and blistering dry air of the washer and dryer.

How oft hath thou been blamed.

Blamed for being used as a hand towel.

Blamed for being used as a throw rug.

Blamed for being used in ways other than intended.

When thou was only serving thine absorptive purpose.

When will thou be redeemed from these torrid accusations that beset you,

and fraught not with lies and speculation by your lackluster master,

who seeks only to replace you with towels

not gifted by her in-laws on her wedding day?

O ye towel of destiny,

the time is nigh when thou wilt be taken from thine hanging place

and be relegated to the rag pile of garage towels,

meant for changing of oils and drying of washed autos.

Yet thou wilt not be forgotten by thy man owner.

For thou wert his towel also, through stinky and clean.

Thou wast not cast into the bath tub willy nilly.

Thou wast not judged of him, and wilt not be judged in the many garage uses he will find for thee.

Thou wilt yet live another life, o towel,

free from the suction cup hook of judgement thou dost now endure.

Freedom shall come, in time.


Why would WhiteEyebrows be posting about Halloween in August?

Halloween is the single holiday of the year that I least enjoy.  After years as a “theater person” I concluded that Halloween was just an excuse for non-theater people to do what theater people do the other 364 days of the year – dress up, put on makeup, and scare the bejesus out of the world.

However, last weekend while we were hosting family, there were a few suggestions thrown out there for the Father/Son WhiteEyebrows/JR team to be this year for halloween.  You may register your votes/opinions:

Dr Evil and Mini Me from the film Austin Powers

Thank you to Carlton* for the suggestion of Dr. Evil and Mini Me.  We would even have our own soundrack… “Just the Two of Us”

Also – thank you to Mr Braun (who inspired this post) by commenting on my previous post and suggesting a costume that was ALSO suggested by family at this party:

Charlie Brown

Yes, Eli has a nice, round, Anderson head.  Though it’s normal size, according to the Doctor’s measurements, he really only needs a yellow shirt with the squiggle and we’re set.  The question is; what I would I go as?   Snoopy or Linus?


And the blog languishes

You know what happens when you’re not looking?  Life happens.

Wow – what a crazy, crazy run of no blogging for me.  I’m not quite sure why I haven’t blogged in so long.  I’ll admit, there were a few blogs I started, then stopped, due to laziness, over-sharing, or self censoring.  Blogging never should be a chore.  It never should be something you feel like you have to do, right?


Well, so tonight – because I probably drank a diet coke a little too late, I’m still up – wired – and ready to write.

My first thoughts go to my little family.  WEJr is growing up so quickly.  If you don’t follow him on Twitter or his blog, you should.  He’s quite verbose for a kid who still can’t talk.  🙂

WEJr is changing so quickly.  Just tonight, I told A2 that she should ‘enjoy it while it lasts’ (I’m just a walking platitude these days – fatherhood must be getting to me) – it being him being small enough to hold for extended periods of time.  He’ll be 6 months old here in just a few days.  *Sigh*  He is sitting up now on his own, and is starting to scoot a bit.  He’s just getting his knees under himself when on his tummy – and he can move around – but doesn’t quite go anywhere yet.  We’re working on him going to bed without being held now.  (He’s been quite spoiled in that regard.)

The best part, though, is that when he’s happy, he lights up the whole room with his gigantic smile.  When he’s sad, he just kind of whimpers.  Yes, he can scream – but he rarely does. Overall, he’s a generally happy, happy kid. We are sooooo lucky and blessed to have him. He is like a little piece of heaven right here in our little family.

How about a little video?

Oh… and we got new family pictures…

I’m a Member…

Yes, I’m an official member of the Colbert SuperPAC.

If you want more information about the awesome Colbert SuperPAC, I suggest you watch a few clips of the Colbert Report.

Announcing his PAC, but Viacom says he can’t have one…

The Colbert Report Mon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Viacom Ruins Stephen’s PAC Dream
Colbert Report Full Episodes Political Humor & Satire Blog Video

Stephen exploits a loophole created by the Supreme Court to create a SUPER PAC instead!

The Colbert Report Mon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Corp Constituency
Colbert Report Full Episodes Political Humor & Satire Blog Video Archive

Files FEC papers…

The Colbert Report Mon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Colbert Super PAC – Stephen Addresses Colbert Super Nation
Colbert Report Full Episodes Political Humor & Satire Blog Video Archive

What is it for? It’s for the children…

The Colbert Report Mon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Colbert Super PAC – For the Children
Colbert Report Full Episodes Political Humor & Satire Blog Video Archive

Stephen Colbert created the SuperPAC in response to SarahPAC’s abbreviated bus tour in which she spent fundraiser money to wrap a huge motorhome and take a family vacation to important historical sites (botching the founding story all along the way and being tailed by a coup of ravenous reporters).  Oh yeah, she contributed to political campaigns and candidates as well.

Basically, Stephen’s PAC is committed to raising huge sums of money from nameless donors to support an arbitrary cause.

The real cause, obviously, is to point out the absurdity of the PAC itself – that in America we can give unlimited amounts of money anonymously to engage in subversive and ethically questionable political activities in order to get people elected.  In this case, even though the Supreme Court ruled that money is speech, Stephen happens to think (as do I) that they are wrong.  (Case in point: we are all born with 1 mouth, but we are not all born with $100 in our pockets)

The PAC itself is tending to be super absurd in itself, including the introductory FORM email I got from them:

Ohh… I just love it.  Keep it up Colbert!!!

30th Birthday Party

So, when I started waxing philosophical in my last post, I forgot to mention one other thing about this birthday – and that’s the EPIC birthday party my wife threw for me.  Now, for the record, I insisted there should be no birthday party – but she ignored my wishes and threats of retribution and really went all out.

Somehow she kept the theme a secret, and she managed to pull off a BUNCH of photoshop work without even one consultation.  (If that auditing thing doesn’t work out for her, perhaps I can get her a graphic design internship somewhere…)  The theme was PLAYBILL (the broadway programs) – she had black and yellow balloons, a playbill cake, playbills with me on them, and – the most cool – a playbill of my life with all the major scenes, players, contributors, supporters, and even advertising.

It was epic.

Continue reading 30th Birthday Party

WhiteEyebrows vs Turning 30

Last Sunday morning greeted me at the same time as it does every week – 7:30am.  Thankfully WEJr had not chosen to beat my digital alarm to the punch hours earlier with his own alarm mechanism.  Gift #1 for my 30th Birthday.

I woke up, rolled over in bed and immediately thought – “Why am I this tired and sore?”  Granted, we had done some walking and some stressing on Saturday, but nothing that I thought merited my body feeling like it had been steamrolled through the night.

When I finally mustered the courage to roll my achy body onto my tentative legs (whew… they held up!), I caught a glimpse of my hairline in the mirror.  Yup – just as I thought – slightly thinner than yesterday.

After showering, I took a look at the state of my corporeal union.  Hmm – overall, no significant change since Saturday.  Final assessment: the battle line between overweight and B-roll-material-for-news-story-on-obesity was still raging, but I think I’m holding the line.

Yes – 30 has hit.

Continue reading WhiteEyebrows vs Turning 30

The view from the other side of the bike

My coworker and friend posted a note on Facebook today titled “The Missionaries in my Neighborhood” that caught my eye.  At first, I thought it would be a complaint about those pesky, nerdy, door to door missionary tracting, but it turns out she liked regularly seeing these missionaries in her neighborhood!  Wow!  Blew my mind.

Here’s what she said:

Continue reading The view from the other side of the bike