Top 10 Guys Reviewed

I’m just warming up here folks… I know last weeks reviews were a bit of a snoozer, but I’m just playing it safe while we get to know these people. The gloves will come off soon enough.

In the meantime, I’m pulling up my TV tray with a cup of ice and bag of Thin Mints (yay for Girl Scouts, even if their cookies seem to be the only valuable contribution to our society), and let the criticism… errr… critiques flow.

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The Future of Digital Media

TV, Movies, and Music have undergone major changes in the last decade, a revolution brought on by high quality digital compression (mpeg 3 and mpeg 4), which have made high quality video and audio a reality for distribution over the internet.

We now store gigabytes of music, movies, and television shows on our home computers. We can micro-target the content we enjoy, while filtering out that which we don’t. This is a far cry from the ‘olden days’ of buying a whole CD, cassette, or LP just to hear the one good song on the album.

We now ‘time-shift’ all our TV programming, watching what we want when we want. We can now download movies on demand through our cable providers or online services.

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The Entropic Universe

Once when I was in 9th grade physical science class the vocabulary word “entropy” was introduced to me. As clear as day I can still remember in our text book a photograph of a teenage girl’s room a complete and total mess next to the paragraph explaining the relationship between entropy and work. It explained that entropy is a natural state and the universe has a tendency toward entropy. Continue reading The Entropic Universe