Auditions – Week 3

This week, Simon and Friends went to Salt Lake City and Jacksonville – two of the most boring cities on the planet – so it’s not super suprising that things were slightly unremarkable this week.

First of all, we can’t get through this blog without mentioning David Osmond.  Yes, friends, he is a Mormon, and thus we can soon add him to the pantheon of Mormon idols born on this television program.

I predict David will go to top 12, but it’s anyone’s guess after that.  He’s a seasoned performer, so will do well if he can choose the right songs and somehow get America (the non-Mormons) to somehow endear him.

Continue reading Auditions – Week 3

Reflections of Christ

The following video is a montage of photographs taken in Arizona by some LDS photographers.  They do a really good job of capturing the humanity, essence, and beauty of the Christian message.


[flashvideo filename=/video/ReflectionsOfChrist.flv /]

You can visit their website at

And Thus We Were Manipulated

And Thus We Were Manipulated
Why Mormon Pop Music and CES Videos Bug Me

A while ago, on my way home from church, I was listening to a mix CD of Sunday music. When the song “His Hands” came on, I quickly pressed the next button, but unfortunately it was too late… the other person in my car had identified the tune. “I LOVE that song… why did you change it?” they said. So I was forced to go back and let them listen to it.

It took the rest of the trip home to try and explain the following:

Growing up, I listened to a lot of Mormon pop music. A lot. It mostly grew out of the fact that I often sang in church, so I tended to listen for new material, and to be part of that universe. I was practically an authority on all things Perry or Cope.

Continue reading And Thus We Were Manipulated